Monday, September 19, 2011

Photoshoot well something close to it.

hey guys! i haven't been wearing lolita alot because of the weather but now that it's  cooling down i cant wait to put on my layers of clothes. I took some photos not to long ago, i always wanted good quality photos of my lolita coords but sadly the photos wasn't what i expected. anywho enjoy...

thanks for viewing~


  1. God you are so beautiful! I hope not I sounds rude, but I have to say you are most amazing colored Lolita I have ever seen! I'm a big fan :D:D

  2. oh wow.. that's the nicest thing someone ever told me and no your not being rude. thanks so much

  3. I agree with Churi Chan. You are so gorgeous! I really like the hair style on the second outfit ;)

  4. Wow!! You're absolutely gorgeous! I love how elegant you look. I think you should definitely try more classic <3

  5. @lu yang ..the hairstyle was a last minute idea..surprise on how well it turn out thanks for reading!
    @hsp... i love classic and will deff do more with the jsk..thank u!

  6. I love seeing colored Lolitas<3 Gorgeous!

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